Saturday, January 16, 2016

Last Blog

Today, January 15, 2016, in our very final Human geography class with Mr. Schick, we had a much appreciated free mod which was a great way to end the 1st semester. Overall, this class has been very beneficial to me and I have learned many things that are important and will stick with me. I learned all about the different types of governments in each country, who is the ruler of each country, and a little bit about each ruler. I learned about global warming, which I actually had no information about before. I learned about the dangers climate change can do if we don’t change the way we are treating our planet. I think I am ready to move on from this class to Western Civilization but I will definitely miss this extremely strange obnoxious class.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Final Human Geography Quiz

Today, January 13, 2016, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we took the much anticipated environmental geography quiz. Honestly I don’t even know what to expect with this test because there were tons of questions that I did know and there were a few that I didn’t know and I’m just really hoping for a decent grade at this point that could maybe raise my B to a slightly higher B. Now, that we are done with Human Geography, I wonder what we are going to do for the next two days. I really hope we can just have basically a free mod because this has actually been the longest week of my life and I think it would be pointless to try and start a new lesson when half of us won’t even be in here next week.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Last Quiz Review

Today, January 12, 2016 in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we did our last little bit of in class review before our quiz on environmental geography tomorrow. In fact, this is going to be our last Human Geography quiz of the year and for some of us it will be the last class with Mr. Schick of the year. I’ve liked this class but I think I’m ready for a change. I am excited for 2nd semester because I am taking intro to drawing and I really love art and just being in the art wing is cool. However, my schedule isn’t that great so I am a little bit disappointed about that.