Thursday, November 19, 2015

Refugee Solution Final Copy

  • Extend limit of refugees allowed into countries
  • Terrorism will happen regardless
  • There are only a few major terrorists groups including:
    • ISIS
    • Boko Haram
  • We shouldn’t discriminate an entire religion because of a few extremists

  • After WWII, the Jews were given a portion of land
    • known as Israel
  • Countries could agree on sacrificing land for the refugees
    • Mainly the US, Russia and other large countries
  • This would allow unity among the culture

    • Syrian Refugee’s goals are not to leave their home
    • Instead we could build a “Safe Haven” in Syria
      • A safe campsite for those in need
    • This keeps the refugees within their own countries

    • The US could let in as many refugees as possible
    • But we to keep the unemployment rate down jobs must be created
      • They can work at local shops,businesses, and factories
    • Also, the new refugees would not be able to live off welfare

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Syrian Refugee Solutions

After WWII and all of the harsh things that the Jews had to go through, they were given land from the Middle East which was named Israel. If several countries come together and agree on sacrificing a portion of their land just like we did for the Jews many years ago. This would allow the Muslims to be together in a safe environment with people of the same culture including the same language.
The United States and European countries could extend the amount of Assyrians that are allowed into their countries. Whatever happens, terrorists of any religion will find their way into our country, so we shouldn’t discriminate an entire religion because of a small extremist group.
The United States could allow as many Assyrians in as possible but our government would make sure that the unemployment rate doesn’t plummet and none of the refugees are just living off of Obama Care.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Assignment Review

Today, November 17, 2015 in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we looked over that one assignment we completed in class on Thursday when Mr. Schick was not here and Mr. Fendryk was our substitute. I was pretty proud of myself because I got all of the answers right. I actually think that I will be ready for the quiz this time. Tomorrow, I plan on writing my final blog/draft on the five major religions just in case Mr. Schick allows us to use our blog for the quiz. Today, I feel very energized and ready for the day because as soon as I got home yesterday, I went right to bed and took what was most likely the longest nap of my life. I think the withdrawal effects of tech week have gone away.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tech Week=Over

Today, November 16, 2015, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we finished up our class discussion on the PowerPoint that included much information about the five major religions of the world. The final religion was Judaism. I am going to write a completely separate blog on the five religions because I have noticed m blogs have been sloppy lately and in case Mr. Schick lets us use our blogs for a quiz again, I want to be prepared. Also, I am not sure that I remember enough about what we talked about today to form a 150 worded blog. I was extremely tired because of the time and energy that the fall musical has taken out of me. Basically, for the past two weeks, I have been at school until 10:00 and this past weekend me and the entire cast have been going out to dinner after the show until 1:00 in the morning. As much as I loved this first John Carroll musical experience, I am glad that I finally have time to breathe.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Substitute Assignment

Today, November 12, 2015, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick we were given an assignment by Mr. Fendryk because Mr. Schick was absent.

1. Rank the five religions we have been studying by the percentage of the world’s population.
Christianity: 2.2 billion adherents
Islam: 1.5 billion adherents
Hinduism: 1.1 billion adherents
Buddhism: 500 million to 1.5 billion adherents
Judaism: 14.2 million adherents  

2. Describe in your own words Abraham’s effect on each of the three Abrahamic religions.
Judaism: Abraham was the first Jew and God chose him to create the nation of Israel, so he had the biggest impact on this religion
Christianity: Abraham isn’t as huge in Christianity, but as Wikipedia puts it, “Abraham's merit is less his obedience to the divine will than his faith in God's ultimate grace; this faith provides him the merit for God's having chosen him for the covenant, and the covenant becomes one of faith, not obedience.”
Islam: Abraham is not the father of this religion but he is linked to a chain of prophets that leads to Mohammad.

3. Describe the practice of indulgences. Why do you think Martin Luther objected to indulgences?
Indulgence was a way for a family member to pay the priest a certain amount of money for him to reduce the amount of punishment someone might receive in hell.
Martin Luther was objected against this because he believed that it was wrong. Nowhere in the bible did it say that priests could take away punishment through payment. He felt that it was an inaccurate practice and the priests contained too much power. This research led me to think a little bit different about the Catholic religion. That may not be the only thing that they have been making up. Being raised in a non-denomination Christian home, I find it strange that Catholics worship so many saints because no where in the bible did it say they should be worshiped as saints.

4. Describe the details of a Hajj and include a photo.
A hajj is a journey that Muslims take to Mecca during the last month of the year. It is mandatory for all Muslims to take this journey. It is considered one of the largest gatherings in the world. It is a demonstration of solidarity to the Muslim people and their honor to Allah.

5. Give a brief description of the four basic Vedic texts and include how many hymns are in each.

The Vedic texts or the Vedas are a large body of texts from ancient India. They are the oldest Hindu scriptures. for each deity series the hymns progress from longer to shorter ones; yet, the number of hymns per book increases.