Friday, November 6, 2015

Quiz Review

Today, November 5, 2015, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we got back the test we took yesterday on the video, The People Paradox. I wasn’t as happy with my grade as I was hoping to be but then we found out that Mr. Schick accidentally marked us all wrong for an answer that as a matter of fact was correct. Because of that my grade was to a score that I am pleased with. Because we didn’t really learn anything today, I am going to tell you about how awful my week has been. I have had rehearsal for the show from right after school until 10:00 every day. I like rehearsal but the show isn’t coming together like I hoped. Also, yesterday I was sitting in Spanish class and I spilled diet coke all over this sophomore sitting in front of me. Today, I couldn’t find my tie so I had to borrow one from Mr. Ireton which was extremely scary.

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