Thursday, September 24, 2015

Muslim Stereotypes

Today in our Human Geography class, we finished up the review of the test we took the other day. We looked at the last two answers which were the essay questions. The first question was about Socrates’ quote, “the unexamined life is not worth living”. We were asked to describe what that quote meant to us personally. The second essay question asked us to describe Socrates’ trial and death. In order to get 20 out of 20, we had to explain what he was accused of, the setting of his trial, his defense, and his forced suicide. When we were finished reviewing the test, we looked at a video that had strong points on the harsh stereotypes of Islamic people. I agree that Muslims have the stereotype of being angry, mean people who are usually terrorists. While there are Muslims who are evil terrorists, not all of them are like that.

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