Thursday, October 29, 2015

Exciting News for China

Today, is October 26, 2015 and in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we found out some exciting news, that China has let go of their one child per family rule and allowed Chinese parents to have up to two children. This is very coincidental because just this week, we began learning about Asia and their ways of keeping the population low. In addition to learning that exciting news, we completed our 3 class period long activity of watching this informative video that is titled, The People Paradox. Yesterday, we began learning a little bit about Kenya and how rough the poverty is over there. Similar to Japan, there population is dropping but Kenya has different reasons for this happening. People are being killed off by dangerous diseases most commonly, Aids. We looked at a particular family that was being raised by their older sister because their parents had died. In order to supply them with meals, she would sell her body and eventually she obtained aids.

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