Monday, November 9, 2015

Five Major Religions

Today, November 9, 2015 in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we began a new unit on the five major religions of the world. I was surprised at how quickly we moved from our unit on the People Paradox to this one. I find this unit interesting because it really gets you to think about religion and is there really a God and is our religion correct. Obviously, I still believe that God is the one and only God but the topic of religion is interesting to me. Mr. Schick said that he would send us the power point he presented in class today but I decided to take notes on it anyway just in case he forgot to send it to us. I took notes on these five religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and we have not gone over the next two religions yet and since I am now at 150 words I figure I will fill in all my notes on the next blog when I have all of the religions.

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