Monday, November 16, 2015

Tech Week=Over

Today, November 16, 2015, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we finished up our class discussion on the PowerPoint that included much information about the five major religions of the world. The final religion was Judaism. I am going to write a completely separate blog on the five religions because I have noticed m blogs have been sloppy lately and in case Mr. Schick lets us use our blogs for a quiz again, I want to be prepared. Also, I am not sure that I remember enough about what we talked about today to form a 150 worded blog. I was extremely tired because of the time and energy that the fall musical has taken out of me. Basically, for the past two weeks, I have been at school until 10:00 and this past weekend me and the entire cast have been going out to dinner after the show until 1:00 in the morning. As much as I loved this first John Carroll musical experience, I am glad that I finally have time to breathe.

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