Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Glacier National Park Notes

Today, January 6, 2016, in our Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we continued the note taking from the National Geographic video talking about environmental geography and global warming. Today, we didn’t take as many notes but I’ll jot them down on this blog just in case they can be used for an open note test in the near future. We discussed specifically how global warming effected Glacier National Park in Montana.
-       Glacier National Park is in Montana
-       Ginnell Glacier averages around 7,000 ft.
-       In our lifetime, the entire glacier could melt away
-       The glacier used to be 710 acres and now it is 220 acres

We looked at images f this glacier over the years and I was amazed at how much of it has been worn away. What was once an entire platform of solid ice is now a lake of melted ice.

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