Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Arete/Living Life to the Fullest

The Greek word arête stands for many things. It is a word for excellence of any kind, moral virtue, fulfillment of purpose or function. Most importantly arête is the Greek word for the act of living up to one’s potential. Today, Mr. Schick taught us about using this word as an example and living up to our full potential. It’s sad because some people go through their entire lives without living the way they were meant to live. Mr. Schick used the example of comparing us to dogs. Dogs live their whole life not knowing there is an end. Eating, playing, and sleeping is pretty much the only thing that will happen in their life. Humans however, know that one day we will die, so we know we need to live our life is the best way we can. If humans live like dogs and never live life to their full potential, they are doing something wrong. The last half of class, we looked up and defined words and events that will be appearing in our next lesson.

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