Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Human Geography First Day

Today was our introduction of what Human Geography will be like throughout the year. The first discussion was about the meaning of Human Geography and how it is different from just Geography. Geography is the study of earth’s physical features but Human Geography is how human activity has affected earth’s physical features. Mr. Schick explained to us that he believes that his main job is to make this class as interesting as possible for us so I am excited to see what this year will bring. In addition to the meaning of Human Geography we also talked about Blogger.com, the website we will be using this year to recap what we learned everyday. We will take notes everyday we have class and when the day is over we will upload a blog about the lesson to Blogger.com. On Fridays we have 2 days to complete our blog and if we miss a day we simply have to upload a blog saying, “I was absent today so I am incapable of uploading today’s blog”. I enjoyed Mr. Schick’s humorous comments today and I am super excited to see what the year brings.

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