Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Globalization Part 3

Today in our Human Geography class, we received an assigned seating arrangement, While I like my usual seat up in the front of the classroom, I think being in the back of the room will push me to work harder and pay more attention. Although, I didn’t appreciate my classmates talking, having staring contests, and distracting me from the assignment for today.
            When we received our new seats, we were given the assignment to go back to the website we looked at yesterday, and jot down notes on the other vocabulary terms that related to globalization.
            The first globalization related term was communication. In our day and time, we can communicate with people from practically anywhere through technology and media. In fact, we can communicate with people in other countries which is a way that cultures and customs are shared throughout the world.
            Before all of our transportation technology, people would have to either sail by boat or walk by foot, which would take many days, to get where they needed to go. Now, traveling across countries is an effortless thing, which is how customs spread so quickly throughout different countries.
            Popular culture was the next term on the website. Pop culture is globalized so much throughout the world. I know that some of my friends watch shows and read comics that originated in Japan. Also, I often see popular foreign foods here in America.

            The final terms on the website included economy and politics. Both of these are widely globalized throughout the world as well as the other other terms we looked at.

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