Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Socratic Method

Today, in Syria, thousands of Muslims are having to evacuate their own country due to the harsh climate of the war. Mr Schick asked us the tough question of whether or not the other countries should take in these Muslims to their own country. Many of my classmates said that the other countries should. Next, he asked us if the Muslims should be welcomed in the US. This time less people were on board with that idea. Little did we know, Mr. Schick was using the Socratic Method. Today we received a better understanding of who Socrates was and what his method was about. The Socratic method is the discussion between people involving questions and answers to get people to really think and use logic.  Unfortunately, some people thought of this as corrupting the youth and he was killed by a forced suicide. However, he never regretted his decisions even when he knew he was to be put to death, which is what makes him such a strong figure.

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